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Old 06-12-2007, 05:13 AM   #11
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Flori (curious George ?)

I have posted this before but no dx. Male, non sufferer, somebody near died of BC.

I have been researching for a book I am writing/ almost written on fats omega threes and sixes, and often come across bits of interest.

It makes me feel better to feel I am contributing. Visiting the board provides a distraction from endless reading. A need to communicate. I suppose one day we could be talking to computers to satisfy our need to connect. Would I know in a few years if your were a computer?.

I have my complex motives divers circumstance questions and experience that brings me to where I am as we all do. It include the odd rail at the jobsworth syndrome that institutions engender, a sense of frustration etc etc. and so it has always been and so it will always be - except unless we get a bit better at avoiding out organisational weaknesses and get more of the Star Trek ethos we may not survive as a species, and certainly are at risk of going backwards.

I am passionate about diet and the more I read the more dumbfounded I am at the body's complexity and sophistication, and the more glaring evident it is that diet has to be a risk reduction starting point.

I am constantly learning and adapting myself and have my cookie moments but they do get to taste less good they more I work at my diet.

AND A bit of a meander. I am smarting from one of those encounters with bureaucratic pass the parcel preferably from their perspective into a dark cabinet in the basement where it will never need to be retrieved. The consequence is that it will involve ten times as much work as would dealing with it now, which matters to me if not somebody who is paid no matter what.......... And it is already four years which leaves me momentarily somewhere between rage and tears at the stupidity and injustice of it all - all of which is as to nothing to what you go all through.........

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