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Old 11-24-2006, 10:33 AM   #7
Christine MH-UK
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 414
I found David Allen's Getting Things Done to be helpful

I recovered from chemo brain pretty well, but got a nasty case of what I call "herceptin brain," although the phenomenon has not yet been recognized by medical science.

The beauty of the David Allen system is that it is based on writing everything down, so it is perfectly suited to people who can't keep anything in their heads. Basically, you go through all your stuff and do anything that you run across that you can do in two minutes or less then and there. You chuck out anything that is not useful. You file stuff if it is necessary reference or put it into a 'someday/maybe' pile if it is for some other time. Anything that you need to act on now you note the very next step that you need to take.

If you buy the book, you might just want to skip to the diagram, since that basically explains it.

It takes a while to go through the whole system, but it really did help me get my organization back.
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