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Old 11-18-2006, 11:43 AM   #4
laura v
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2
flax seed/herceptin synergy cured my sister's IBC

Hi. I have a sister that had stage 4 Her2 + Estrogen - IBC that had also spread to her lymph nodes and liver. She followed her doctor's protocol of taxol and herceptin, but also found out that ground flax seeds and turmeric have been shown to cure cancer in some people. Since her doctor gave her very little hope and made her feel she should get her "affairs in order", she thought she had nothing to lose. She started adding 4 tbls. of freshly ground golden flax seeds (you have to grind in a coffee grinder and use within 15 minutes) to a smoothie (yoghurt, fruit, orange juice), and started taking turmeric supplements twice a day. In 2 months, her cancer had shrunk by half, and now, 6 months later, she is completely cancer-free. She found out that there is probably a synergy between flax seeds and herceptin that made this miracle possible. She doesn't know if the turmeric helped or not. Her doctor can't believe it. He said he's never seen anything like this happen. She hasn't told him yet about the flax seeds, but is going to very soon. She now doesn't have to have any surgery, and is on an every 3 week herceptin treatment. No more chemo. needed. Hope this helps. By the way, GOLDEN flaxseeds have been the only type to be effective. Regular flax seeds are not nearly as potent.

Last edited by laura v; 11-18-2006 at 11:45 AM.. Reason: stress importance of GOLDEN flax seeds
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