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Old 07-05-2013, 01:05 PM   #1
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: LAND OF YES! w/home in Boca Raton, Florida Orig from L.I., N.Y. Ever hovering IN THE NOW...
Posts: 1,904
Official awesome announcement...!!!


14 YEARS S T A B L E (NED)...!

Final pathology report in. Chronic inflammation and fibrosis. NO EVIDENCE OF MALIGNANCY --
2 biopsies taken from June 27 abdominal laparoscopic
surgeries -- 3 punctures

BENIGN FIBROMATOSIS (tumorlike lesion of unknown cause) NO EVIDENCE OF MALIGNANCY.

5 YEARS OFF OF HERCEPTIN (after 10 years on...)

Denise, Flori, Karen, Rachael and soooo many other Sisters I am failing to mention (but ever thinking of!) -- you may not feel like a star but your radiance touches everyone of us every day!

We know you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward, and that doing so is a superhuman feat of stellar quality -- it is soooo NOT an easy path, and we all know that -- but...

Never forget -- you inspire me and many with your words, your humor, your GLOWING Spirits that shine on this board, your caring and support! You are role models, believe it or not, and we all give you a standing ovation and applaud you...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Clap for yourself EVERYONE...!)

I wish you HEALING and WELLNESS dear beloved ones
-- all of you. I believe in you all!! You have it within you to get to the end of the tunnel. You are unique, special, loved and lovable. Smart, wise, intrepid, unrelenting and super SHEROES!!!

You show everyone that miracles do happen.

Thank you, thank you, thank you -- for sharing your lives with us. For standing with us. For never giving up. Never giving in.

Ever humbly appreciative for my life, for each new day... Thank you for my Life, God!

Grateful to have you all in my life!!


Andi BB
'95 post-meno dx Invasive LOBULAR w/9cm tumor! YIKES + 2/21 nodes. Clear mammo 10 mnths earlier. Mastec/tram flap reconst/PORT/8 mnths chemo (4Adria/8CMF). Borderline ER/PR. Tamoxifen 2 yrs. Felt BLESSED. I could walk and talk, feed and bathe myself! I KNEW I would survive...

'98 -- multiple mets to liver. HER2+ 80%. ER/PR- Raging, highly aggressive tumors spreading fast. New PORT. 9 mnths Taxotere Fought fire w/fire! Pronounced in cautious remission 5/99. Taxotere weekly for 6 wks, 2 wks off -- for 9 mnths. TALK ABOUT GRUELING! (I believe they've altered that protocol since those days -- sure hope so!!)
+ good old Vit H wkly for 1st 3 yrs, then triple dosage ev 3 wks for 7 yrs more... The "easy" chemo, right?! Not a walk in the park, but not a freight train coming at 'ya either...

Added Herceptin Nov '98 (6 wks after FDA fast-tracked it for met bc). Stayed w/Vit H till July '08! Now I AM FREE! Humbly and eternally grateful for this life-saving drug! NED since '99 and planning on keeping it that way. To hell w/poor prognosis and nasty stats! STOPPED VIT H JULY '08...! REMAIN STABLE... Eternally grateful...Yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds ... (e e cummings) EVERY DAY I BEAT MY PREVIOUS RECORD FOR # OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS I'VE STAYED ALIVE. Smile KNOWING you too can be a miracle. Up to me and God now...
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