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Old 01-15-2009, 12:03 PM   #9
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Location: Eugene, Oregon
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Thank you soo much for your help everyone. Currently, I've spoken to my radiation oncologist and surgeon. My surgeon is typically conservative in this matter and thinks I should leave the healthy breast alone, for now. He also said that if I make the decision for a double we'll have to postpone the surgery a week or two, and he thinks I should take that time to think about it. He said my right breast is very healthy and the odds of cancer appearing in that breast are very low.

My radiaition oncologist (a woman) said that it is certainly a consideration and despite whatever the odds are, my peace of mind is important. She's getting in touch with my medical oncologist to get his opinion included, and find out if we can do the gene test quickly, although that may not completely sway my decision. The fact that I am so young may merit the choice for double.

My feelings: Mentally I think I would have more peace of mind.
Physically I would feel much better being symmetrical and not have to wear a bra or prosthetic. Also, I'm ok with not having any more children. I'd also prefer to have only one surgery if possible and not have to go through this again next year. I'm pretty certain I'd prefer not to reconstruct.

Financially, I have good insurance coverage now since I kept my policy going on Cobra when I resigned from my job, but when that time is up, I'm not sure what kind of coverage I'll have.

The only pros I can really think of are having a breast with sensation, but the assymetry kind of overpowers that one for me. I'm a c cup so it's a pretty big difference.

I really like my surgeon, and I think he'll do the double if I demand it, he just wants to discourage it, since it's a big decision. He may not understand that I'm a very non-traditional girl, not so concerned about looking like a traditional girl. I like to keep my life as simple as possible.

"Dancers Against Cancer" in the Eugene, OR Komen Race for the Cure 2010
Diagnosed 8/7/08 with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, micropapillary pattern, Her2 3+, ER+,PR-, grade II, positive lymph nodes.
Received 6doses of Taxotere, Carboplatin with Herceptin continuing for a year...DONE.
1/28/09 Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Right Simple Mastectomy.
Surgery pathology: No invasive carcinoma present and 17 lymph nodes removed all negative! Only small amount of carcinoma in situ in left breast.
March/April '09, Radiation to left chest wall.
Currently involved in Neratinib clinical trial.

"Well being I won
and wisdom too,
I grew and joyed in my growth;
from a word to a word
I was led to a word
from a deed to another deed." (Odin)

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