Thread: Port Problems
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:05 AM   #5
Joanne S
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Detroit Metropolitan Area, Michigan
Posts: 592
My oncologist told me that a recent study revealed that 9 months of Herceptin was just as effective as 12 months. Perhaps you could make inquiry to your oncologist. I'm not clear about your lung problem---did that have something to do with implanting your port? Is that what is effecting your current blood draw problems?

You are obviously HER2 positive, but depending on your bc diagnosis, type and staging specifications, your oncologist may agree to discontinue your Herceptin early if it is not a risk for you. Many patients discontinue Herceptin early due to a decrease in heart ejection fraction or other problems so it would not be that unusual to stop Herceptin early.

It sounds like you need to have a thorough discussion with your oncologist and then your surgeon.

I have had many diagnostic tests and have never had anyone access my port because the technicians/nurses are not authorized, allowed or trained in using the mediports. Personally, I prefer it that way to ensure no problems are created at that time which may effect the functionability of administering my chemotherapy.

I feel for you---I know that all of this has not be easy for you, but if you don't have good veins for enabling blood draws, I highly suggest getting a port implanted in your chest. I have been fortunate that I only felt uncomfortable with my port the first two weeks. Blood draws from my port are sometimes difficult to start and I have to do a little dance, lay down, get us, swing my arms, legs, etc (which is no big deal) and then it works ok---other times the port draws flow is just fine without having to dance.

Hang in there. The most difficult and worst parts of your bc journey are behind you now. I hope all this works out fine for you. Keep us posted.
Aug06...Dx Age 50, IDC Left Breast, 6+/16 lymph nodes, Stg 3, ER+/PR+/HER2+
Sep06-Jan07...Mediport. Chemo: AC x 4, T x 4
Feb12,2007...Surg MRM Left & SM Right, reconstruct w/expanders
Mar07-Jun07...Saline Exp
Jun07...Start Tamoxifen
Jun07-Aug07...Rad x 25
Jun07-Oct07...Persistent fevers-unknown origin
Jun07-Nov07...PT for Severe PMPS & Capsular Contracture
Nov07...Surg Capsulectomy, Gel Implants, PMPS pain gone instantly.
Feb08...NED 1st CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb08...2 months post surgery Caps Cont again :(
Mar08...Stop Tamoxifen. Start Arimidex.
Apr08...Sudden high fever, Hosp ICU 10 days, staph infect, emerg surg, implants removed. Outpt IVantibiotics Daily x 6 weeks
Feb11...NED 5th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb12...NED 6th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Aug12...Spotting. Surg=D&C
Sep12...STAGE IV = RARE BC METS TO UTERUS ILC ER+/PR+/HER2-Negative) (Different BC than originally diagnosed = IDC ER+/PR+/HER2+).
Sep12...Stop Arimidex. Start Afinitor & Aromasin.
Jan13...MRI = no progression no reduction
Apr13...Progression. Stop Afinitor & Aromasin.
Apr13...Start Chemo: Taxol & Carboplatin.
Nov13...Scans & Pelvic 95+% Reduction. Nueropathy>Stop chemo start Fareston.
Jan14...PET scan = no progression stable.
May14...Pelvic > Bleeding & cramps. TMs up.
May14...PET scan = uterine progression :(
May14...Stop Fareston. Start Chemo: Xeloda.

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