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Old 11-17-2005, 03:13 PM   #7
Christine MH-UK
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 414
The Lesson of Lorenzo's Oil

The problem with rat/mouse studies is that humans are rather different. One example that is highly relevant is that the fellow who developed Lorenzo's oil had trouble getting it tested because of a component's effect on rodents, but fortunately found a scientist who knew it would not have the same affect in humans. Likewise, the inventor of the glaucoma drug xalatan had to test it on himself at first because of problems with the mouse model.

The whole omega 6 issue definitely deserves study. The trouble is that nothing is really known for sure until it is tested. For years people have known that obese breast cancer patients do less well and always put it down to fat producing oestrogen, but it turns out to be more of a problem for ER-.

The whole issue with her2 is not whether omega 6 is likely to be a problem (definitely), but whether omega 3 or omega 9 are more effective as a means of offsetting it specifically for her2+++ breast cancers.
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