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Old 12-15-2007, 01:45 AM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 10
reaction to first dose of herceptin

I too am in Australia (Queensland) and had that sort of reaction to my first dose 15 months ago. I had fevers chills and rigors and couldn't even speak as I would bite my tongue when I tried to. My back (where the secondaries were) ached, my temperature, BP, pulse rate, oxygen sats all fluctuated wildly, and I was very short of breath, so I was put on Oxygen and given all the premeds. Things settled over the course of 40-50 minutes and I have had no trouble since. My oncologist told me it was good thing..... it was a cytokine reaction to dead tissue as the herceptin killed off all the tumour cells. So I took solace in the knowledge that I was a "good responder" and I haven't looked back since.

Hope this helps

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