Thread: dairy products
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Old 04-12-2011, 05:52 AM   #14
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Re: dairy products

Have read both Plant's book and David Servan-Schreiber's book "Anti-Cancer" which also is anti dairy. I liked his more but.... each to his own.
The convincing point is that until recently, Asia had basically no BC and called it the "rich woman's disease" in Asia milk is only given to children, adults don't drink it.
Unfortunately I live in France where you can get great cheese so it's hard to avoid dairy but I have stopped eating yogurt - a favorite that I considered healthy until reading these books, and drink only a little milk in coffee.
As the Danish oncology nurse at our hospital says "the most important thing is to enjoy life so don't deprive yourself of too much". She sees many patients die and that's what she's taken away with her.
So I'd say we should lighten up on the milk, dairy, sugar and drink moderate amounts of red wine (also difficult in a country with great wine!) and also lighten up on stress and depriving ourselves. As the nurse also says, "if you feel like a bite of chocolate, go for it!"
My husband's GP told him to take ibuprofen for his arthritic pain and my husband was worried about its negative effect (none of us want to take more pills than necessary) and his French doctor said "do you want to live a longer life in pain or a shorter one without pain?" not that I think ibuprofen will shorten one's life and may even be good periodically for us since it's an anti-inflammatory.
So, maybe read those books and decide for yourselves after all the talk about soy is totally confusing: is it good? is it bad? I've decided to avoid it since I'm ER+ which is probably another reason to avoid dairy.
and don't forget to enjoy life - you know the cliche "every day's a gift!!!!"
health and happiness
A+ as they say here - meaning - later
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