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Old 10-16-2019, 04:42 AM   #11
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Re: Cannabinoid receptors – main ligands are Omega 3 and 6 derivatives, not hemp prod

A friend Amrita helpfully commented and provided this comment and reference;

"Since endocannabinoids are synthesized naturally from omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, the body has control over maintaining the adequate levels required, i.e., it optimises the amount needed for proper functioning and development, by regulating the conversion process. However, artificially synthesised, and plant-based-non-Omega-3/6-derived-cannabinoids, could have an adverse effect on fetal development and growth, possibly because of; their difference in molecular structures (in comparison to those of naturally derived omega 3/6 based cannabinoids), so their different mechanisms of action, or dependent on dosage uncertainties including from unregulated and uncertain quantities of intake, particularly given the wide range of possible sources.

Further, consumption of external non-Omega 3/6 cannabinoids could interfere with biological processes, in ways those produced from Omega 3 and 6 in our diet does not because; provided our body has adequate and balanced Omega 3 and 6 precursors, our system controls the appropriate amounts of endocannabinoids produced; externally supplied non-Omega 3/6 plant based cannabinoids however could deregulate those processes."


"A new study in animal tissue reveals the cascade of chemical reactions that convert omega-3 fatty acids into cannabinoids that have anti-inflammatory benefits -- but without the psychotropic high."

"Cannabinoid exposure during pregnancy and its impact on immune function."

"Cannabinoids are the most commonly abused illicit drugs worldwide. While cannabis can be beneficial for certain heath conditions, abuse of potent synthetic cannabinoids has been on the rise. Exposure to cannabinoids is also prevalent in women of child-bearing age and pregnant women. These compounds can cross the placental barrier and directly affect the fetus. They mediate their effects primarily through G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. In addition to significant neurological effects, cannabinoids can trigger robust immunomodulation by altering cytokine levels, causing apoptosis of lymphoid cells and inducing suppressor cells of the immune system. Profound effects of cannabinoids on the immune system as discussed in this review, suggest that maternal exposure during pregnancy could lead to dysregulation of innate and adaptive immune system of developing fetus and offspring potentially leading to weakening of immune defenses against infections and cancer later in life. Emerging evidence also indicates the underlying role of epigenetic mechanisms causing long-lasting impact following cannabinoid exposure in utero.

Last edited by R.B.; 10-25-2019 at 03:15 AM..
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