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Old 09-03-2011, 04:49 PM   #6
Debbie L.
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Re: Vaginal Estriol Cream

A few comments on this thread.

First -- Rich, how do you make the quote/comment thing work? You must know some programming language? I participate in forums where I can get the quote boxes, but this forum is not one of them (mac/firefox).

Even the estring can cause transient elevations in measurable systemic estrogen, upon first use (the estrogen-starved tissue is an efficient sponge, apparently). The creams (estradiol, etc), IF USED IN TYPICALLY-PRESCRIBED DOSES, do increase systemic estrogen more than the estring. But the advantage to the creams (in my opinion) is that they can be titrated. You can use just a dab, rather than the applicator dose, for example. You can stop using entirely when things seem to be okay, and start up again (cautiously) as needed. For son-of-Ha's questions, I'd say it depends a LOT on the amount of cream used.

I tried ALL the options, short of the estrogen preparations. Replens may be fine for garden-variety menopause, but it was not nearly enough for the vaginal desert I experienced, caused by Arimidex.

It is, alas -- more than just lubrication. In the total estrogen starvation that comes with AI use, the tissue itself thins and changes -- becoming so-easily damaged that moisture/lubrication is only part of the trouble.

I don't have any answers, but I encourage those who are having issues to speak up. If we are not honest and upfront about this issue, how can we expect researchers to investigate and (perhaps) find answers to help us?

That said, son-of-ha raises the other perspective. Maybe there is not an answer to this issue that would allow us to have both a fulfilling sexual life, AND to control our cancer. At least not at this time. But if that is the case, that choice should (imho) be on the table. We should be told that this treatment might save our life, but on the other hand, this treatment might ruin our ability to participate in intercourse as we previously knew it. Probably most people would still choose potentially life-saving treatment. But it would be true informed consent, and we would be more eager to push for answers (treatment) that could leave us both alive and sexually-functional.
3/01 ~ Age 49. Occult primary announced by large (6cm) axillary node, found by my husband.
4/01 ~ Bilateral mastectomies (LMRM, R elective simple) - 1.2cm IDC was found at pathology. 5 of 11 axillary nodes positive, largest = 6cm. Stage IIIA
ERPR 5%/1% (re-done later at Baylor, both negative at zero).
HER2neu positive by IHC and FISH (8.89).
Lymphovascular invasion, grade 3, 8/9 modified SBR.
TX: Control of arm of NSABP's B-31 adjuvant Herceptin trial (no Herceptin, inducing a severe case of Herceptin-envy): A/C x 4 and Taxol x 4 q3weeks, then rads. Raging infection of entire chest after small revision of mastectomy scar after completing tx (significance unknown). Arimidex for two years, stopped after second pathology opinion.
2017: Mild and manageable lymphedema and some cognitive issues.
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