Thread: Femara
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Old 09-15-2016, 03:08 PM   #28
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 474
Re: Femara


You cant assume because absorption of a drug or vitamin is so individual. Yes your Vitamin D level is probably OK meaning its 30ng/ml or above. But optimal in your case might be 70ng/ml. You owe this to yourself.

I know medicine has changed with the takeover by insurance. It isn't even medicine anymore. Medicine used to be controlled by the doctor. The doctor is subservient to the insurance company. Its beyond sad.

Its possible there are lab services on the internet that measure Vitamin D levels. Ill search around. Its terrible that things have come to this. Sometimes I believe real medicine doesn't exist anymore. I'm sorry if I come on too strong. I used to think of myself as a very shy introvert. My motives are not selfish.

There was quite a turmoil when Vicodin was made a class 2 narcotic by the DEA.
While there are very legitimite uses for these drugs but they are abused. As a working pharmacist I was delighted not to be filling so much Vicodin anymore. Maybe I'm being hard hearted but the DEA would come down on us when we weren't the ones prescribing it.

Anyway I'm getting off on a tangent. There were a lot of messages on the Aol board about the Vicodin story. Most were very critical of the DEA. But one message stuck in my mind and I had to laugh. This "wit" who claimed to have a back problem and it may well have been true, stated "Things have gotten so ridiculous that a Chinese peasant 2000 years ago could get pain relief with his bowl of smoked opium much easier than a pain patient in 2016. There may be some truth to this.

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