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Old 11-24-2013, 11:25 AM   #7
Debbie L.
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Re: mastectomy versus lumpectomy for HER2

Kaa, I don't think there is one right answer, nor any right advice for you to give your sister. The main thing is to be sure she has all the information on the table, and then to support her in whatever decision seems right to her.

If they are able to get clean margins at lumpectomy, and your sister is okay with the ongoing vigilance that will be needed to keep an eye on the calcifications -- then I don't see why a lumpectomy wouldn't be an option.

It's such a personal decision. For one example -- some would weigh the anxiety associated with the ongoing vigilance as most important to their decision. Others would want less surgery, less mutilation. All reasonable priorities and it's only the individual herself (or himself) who can decide what's right for her (or him).

One piece of advice you can give your sister is that she doesn't have to feel like this is an emergency that she must decide on quickly. She has time to get other opinions, and to let the options sit with her long enough that she feels confident she's making the right choice.

For what it's worth, I think all the concerns your sister expresses are reasonable and normal. It's a matter of how much weight each one gets, in her personal priority list. I know it's natural (and wonderful) of you to want to help her make the right decision -- but I think your role is to help her gather information and to support her decision. Not to try to decide what you think is the best move (because the "best" move is different for each person), but to support your sister's choice(s). She's lucky to have you for a sister. Good luck, keep us posted, okay?

Debbie L.
3/01 ~ Age 49. Occult primary announced by large (6cm) axillary node, found by my husband.
4/01 ~ Bilateral mastectomies (LMRM, R elective simple) - 1.2cm IDC was found at pathology. 5 of 11 axillary nodes positive, largest = 6cm. Stage IIIA
ERPR 5%/1% (re-done later at Baylor, both negative at zero).
HER2neu positive by IHC and FISH (8.89).
Lymphovascular invasion, grade 3, 8/9 modified SBR.
TX: Control of arm of NSABP's B-31 adjuvant Herceptin trial (no Herceptin, inducing a severe case of Herceptin-envy): A/C x 4 and Taxol x 4 q3weeks, then rads. Raging infection of entire chest after small revision of mastectomy scar after completing tx (significance unknown). Arimidex for two years, stopped after second pathology opinion.
2017: Mild and manageable lymphedema and some cognitive issues.
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