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Old 01-30-2009, 11:51 AM   #3
Debbie L.
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Hi Snufi,

I hope that the research about a metastasis gene leads to something helpful. But the media does tend to announce these "breakthroughs" on such a regular basis that over the years, I've grown jaded. Show me the phase 3 clinical trials with good results (like the adjuvant Herceptin ones, for one example) and I'll get excited.

If you really want chemo, you can get more opinions and more options. There are kinder/gentler chemos that might not bother you as severely yet still provide benefit.

You could probably find a physician willing to give Herceptin alone but I suspect you'd have trouble with reimbursement (unless you are independently wealthy of course). The question (and it's a big question with no hint of answer, yet) of Herceptin alone is being bandied about mostly for really early stage breast cancers (like DCIS or <1cm node negative ones), which I don't believe yours was (correct me if I'm wrong).

You have not really sounded to me like you want chemo, though. Is that an accurate statement? I can tell you what I think you should do but that's of no use to you. I've learned over the years to trust and support each individual's decision, as long as I know that they have accurate and comprehensive information on their decision table. People who are coerced or bullied into undertaking a treatment that they do not want do not, in my experience, do well with that treatment.

It's not all about length of life, sometimes. Not all providers nor advisors get that.

Debbie Laxague
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