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Old 04-22-2009, 07:15 PM   #9
Midwest Alice
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I'm cancer free!!!!!! I am so happy!!! The brain MRI came back clean.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We flew in a few hours ago. I saw Dr. C and a young Dr. working with him. We taped the Dr. so we can listen to it again and make sure we don't miss anything. I ask if there are any trials to prevent the cancer from going to the brain and they said there isn't at this time. I go in 3 months and we will do a CT of the chest area it will be 6 months from the CT in Jan.

I did my Herceptin and Zometa while I was there because I have a chance of getting my airfare and hotel paid for. I took out additional cancer insurance two years before I was dx. It has helped with some of my treatments and covers travel if you have treatment. I will send in my stuff this week and see what they say,

They are concerned about my MUGA score. I have a MUGA next week and Dr. C really wants to see the results. I have this one and another MUGA in July before I go back. I am working on getting it up:... taking co-q 10... using my CPAP regularly and have started an amazing diet. I have cut sugar and flour from my diet. I did really well for 2 weeks then had a little trouble staying on it while I traveled. I will get right back on it because it really makes me feel better and I know I will get this extra weight off. School will be out in 4 weeks and my neighbor and I will walk every morning this summer. I know I can bring it up.
I was so excited to get home and tell you all the news. I am so grateful to have you all to help me through this time in my life.
04/08 age 50 III IBC Her2+++ ER/PR-8cm 14/14 Double M, Body and Brain CT/PET clear, ? on spine,Muga 53
06/08, 4 A/C, Neulasta
08/08, Herceptin/tax 12 every week
10/08, CT/PET clear, ? on pelvis, hips, MUGA 43, started Enalaprial for heart, Herceptin every 3 weeks
11/08 33Rads; 12/08 MUGA 48
2/09 MRI spine and bone scan, old mets to spine, Chest x-ray, blood work, IV NED,regular CPAP use,Zometa x6, first -flue like symptoms 2 days;Herceptin x3; stage 2 lymphoedema..sleeve and glove
4/09 Brain MRI - CLEAR; MUGA 54
7/09 chest ultrasound,
10/09 PET, brain and spin MRI NED Herceptin only. MUGA 59!!!
1/11 Hip replacement 7/11 Hip 2 replacement
4/12 4 years!! Herceptin
6/12 start reconstruction finish in 12/12
2/14 Herception - 6 years!!!

1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it."

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