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Old 03-12-2008, 10:48 AM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 5
Thanks for the reply, Lani.

My biggest question is, if it had shrunk down to 1cm would they only remove 1 cm plus the margin? I mean isn't that the point of neoadjuvant chemotherapy? To shrink the tumor down so that the woman can have breast conserving surgery? So since the tumor is completely gone, they go back to cutting out the whole area? What was the point of the neoadjuvant chemo then?

I do understand that no surgery is not an option. I have spent hours on the computer researching. At this point, mom really doesn't care if she is slightly disfigured. A mastectomy and then the two reconstructive surgeries is just too much for her.

I think that in a few years, we will finally be to the point that there won't necessarily be surgery after neoadjuvant chemothereapy. Just like a few years ago there were no lumpectomies, and now there are. I have read so many reports of how surgery is not always necessary. 95% of HER2-Positive cases that have neoadjuvant chemotherapy get the cancer completely. When they go in for the surgery they find that there is no cancer yet. Just as the MRI told them. Maybe one day they will be able to believe that.

Mom had an appoinntment with the oncologist today. She came home in tears and a wreck. He really isn't listening to much of what she has to say nor is he answering her questions. He told her that she playing games with her life and that she has to have a masectomy. I'm pretty sure we have the surgeon on board for just a lumpectomy, but we will know more after that appointment.

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