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Old 02-17-2015, 05:11 PM   #4
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 293
Re: What about non-orthodox "cures"? Have you tried?

I was taking a B12 supplement but am taking a break from them at the moment because my levels were very high. I've heard flax seed oil is good but I haven't tried that yet.

Okay, about the symptoms . . . is your sister finished with herceptin? I'm not sure what you mean by productive coughing but I have a cough midway between my treatments. My oncologist says this is not uncommon. The concentration difficulties are likely due to the chemo. I'm done with chemo and I still have that issue, as do many others on this board. I was told it could be 18 months to 2 years before that got better but from what I'm hearing on this board, that may last longer than that. They can do cognitive testing (I had that done just last week) to see if there are deficients and if so, where they are. I'm still waiting for my test results but my understanding is they give you information on how to cope/deal with any cognitive deficiencies (including concentration difficulties) you (in this case your sister) may have. My oncologist's nurse told me that hot flashes are a good thing. She said that it means the drug is working. I'm taking a different drug than your sister (I'm taking anastrazole which is more for postmenopausal women, which I get the impression your sister is not) but I would think it would be the same. I read somewhere that if you're having hot flashes as a side effect that it improves your odds by a certain percent and the muscle aches and pains also improve your odds - the aches and pains percentage was greater. I can't remember the exact percentages for them but it was pretty significant. So why it may be a pain (no pun intended) it's my understanding that it's a good thing. I'm wondering if the anxiety is more about having cancer than it being a side effect of any drug she's taking.

My oncologist also told me that I would need to take the anastrazole for 5 years but told me that is because they don't have enough long term information on its effects and that it's possible that they will extend it to 10 years before I reach the 5 year mark. So I don't find it surprising that your sister would be told 10 years for tamoxifen. But I do think it's possible that something else may be as effective without all the bad side effects.

Good luck. Keep us posted!
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