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Old 07-05-2006, 04:19 PM   #38
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Trans fat in "high trans menu" reduced in Denmark from 30 g to <1 g

I have not checked this out but thought provoking.

Where there is a willl...?


1: Ugeskr Laeger. 2006 Apr 24;168(17):1654-7. Links

[High levels of industrially produced trans fatty acids in popular fast food - but not in Denmark--secondary publication]
[Article in Danish]

* Stender S,
* Dyerberg J,
* Bysted A,
* Leth T,
* Astrup AV.

Amtssygehuset i Gentofte, Klinisk-biokemisk Afdeling, Hellerup.

An intake of trans-fatty acids of 5 grams per day is associated with an increase of 25% in the risk of ischemic heart disease. In 2004 Denmark, as the first country in the world, introduced a limitation on the content of industrially produced trans-fatty acids in foods. The amount in a "high-trans menu" consisting of popular foods was, from 2001 to 2005, reduced in Denmark from 30 g to <1 g. The amount in the same menu bought in countries within and outside the European Union is 20-40 g. During a period of just a few years, Denmark has thus eliminated a risk factor for ischemic heart disease without noticeable side effects for consumers. This risk factor is, however, still present in many other countries.

PMID: 16674878 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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