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Old 10-14-2008, 06:01 PM   #8
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rephrasing the question

Hi all, great discussion. So much unknown (yet). I don't want to stop the direction this discussion is taking, as I'm sure we're all learning things as we share experience and information about what is know and what is opinion re: triple positive cancer's behavior. However, I knew that there wasn't much specific evidence to allay my friend's fears about ongoing risk because of ERPR+, so I was hoping for list-members anecdotes.

What I was hoping to get: few triple positive people writing to say that their recurrence had happened more than 7 years out from primary treatment. What's the longest anyone knows of time from primary to recurrence for a person with known HER2+, ERPR+ cancer?

My friend's ERPR was high - I think one was in the 80's and the other in the 90's. And all proliferation details were very aggressive.

I understand the points made about ERPR+ disease recurring later because it's less aggressive but that rarely if ever is a description of HER2+ cancers, right?

I got a hand-me-down ipod from our son a few weeks ago. I've just discovered podcasts. I downloaded a whole slew of breast cancer ones - bcupdate, and some that say they'll summarize ASCO - called Oncology Unplugged, from the CBCE. So fascinating, to hear the studies reported of course but even more to hear what the experts are thinking, or wondering about, as they discuss the issues in a less formal venue than a presentation at SABCS. I almost missed my exit driving home, I was so intent on the discussion of that moment, which was the very one quoted by hopeful about zometa. Another interesting one was about high-dose estrogen "resetting" the receptors so that cancer that had developed hormone resistance again respond to hormonal treatment. I think they said that there is also a study ongoing that uses intermittent AI's, same theory.

Debbie Laxague
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