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Old 06-01-2007, 03:32 PM   #25
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Location: LAND OF YES! w/home in Boca Raton, Florida Orig from L.I., N.Y. Ever hovering IN THE NOW...
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Wink Still A Superstar

Brenda, I read your signature/med history. You have been through a lot and you should be proud of your personal growth, the courage and strength you've uncovered within yourself. I meditate daily. I go deep inside myself, in silence. Sometimes Andreas Bocelli's Romanza helps me float up to a cloud w/my eyes closed. As I go within, fully relaxed from my toes inch by inch up to the top of my head, including every little aspect of my body -- I then imagine myself as weighing about 2,000 lbs. From that I imagine myself as a feather and with that I float up and look down at myself. As I do this, I become SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE SELF I KNOW. I become connected to my Spirit. I re-identify myself. I am more than a mind and a body. I AM BODY, MIND AND SOUL. I am truly a Soul. We are each Soul.

I have come to see others as a Soul. To treat them as a sacred being, as they truly are. I try to talk to their Higher Self, even when they are acting as their basest self. And the energy changes almost immediately.

You are energy. Your thoughts are energy. They go out from you on varying frequency waves -- into the Universe. They vibrate at a higher rate when filled with positivity (love, joy, serenity, belief, compassion, awe, gratitude). They vibrate slower when filled with negativity (anger, resentment, stress, the inability to forgive, remorse, sadness, fear, blame). THE UNIVERSE SENSES WHAT YOU ARE TRANSMITTING -- AND RESPONDS IN KIND. So what you think all day, the composition of the thoughts you dwell upon -- draws equal energy to you. Believing in your ability to call wellness to you fills you with thoughts that are pure and positive. Then you feel all the positive emotions those thoughts evoke. And the Universe sends you what you send it! Positivity draws more positivity. Negativity begets more negativity.

Remembering this as thoughts occur keeps you on track, to call your desired destiny to you. I was dx in '95 at age 50, post menopausal. 4th stage. Multiple mets to the liver in '98. Her2+. Poor prognosis from the getgo. But I was determined to endure whatever I had to (mastec/reconst/chemo then mets and Taxotere and the godsend, Herceptin, which I remain on since '98. You too can be a miracle. With the power of your thoughts. And through your meditation and your finding your True Self in meditation. You are a radiant Soul. Beautiful.

Tell me what 'om namo guru dev namo' translates into. It is a mantra? Sending you loving, healing energy... ANDI
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