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Old 02-16-2011, 06:34 PM   #16
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 2
Re: Taxotere Carboplatin Herceptin Side Effects

I just finished my 6th cycle. The best advice I can give you is to not let yourself get constipated. Before your 1st chemo make sure you have smooth move tea on hand and/or senecot laxative tabs. You want to drink a lot of fluids that 1st week but be careful not to make more then 25% of it plain water or tea. I made this mistake my first round and I was sick as a dog. The chemo depletes electrolytes and water and tea dilute them farther. For the other 75% of intake drink smoothies with bananas, Gatorade type of drink, juice, and believe it or not some kind of high sodium broth. I know it doesn't sound too healthy but it's only for the first week and it will help you to not feel as bad. I also found drinking metromint water helpful when my mouth had that horrible taste in it. It sounds weird drinking chocolate/mint water but when I couldn't choke down plain water it really helped. Like you I have younger children 9 and 13. When moms ask you how they can help and they will, ask them if they can give you kids a ride two and from school. This is so helpful. If you have one friend or family member coordinating help it makes things so much easier and takes the pressure off of you. There are meal sign up websites that can be used to manage meal delivery. I also recommend you sign up for a free caringbridge site and give it to everyone you know. this will keep you from having to tell the same story over and over, and talk on the phone when your under the weather. It is a great way to keep everyone posted on what's going on and it's quite healing to write it down.. I know that here are so many things I am forgetting but this is a good place to start.
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