Thread: Spring Gardens
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Old 06-09-2008, 06:52 PM   #16
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Elaine, I planted a pot of Greek Oregano about 6 years ago in a big pot outside and it comes back fuller each year. I like Swiss chard and spinach in pots, too. They do well and you just go out to the patio and snip a few leaves whenever you want to supplement a salad. Carrots and radishes do well in pots, too. If you've never had a roasted radish, you don't know what you've been missing. First, throw some good cooking music into the CD player. Then crack open a beverage of your choice. Next, take a large baking pan (I prefer Pyrex) and throw in some Olive oil, and pour some into the dish with one hand while you sip your beverage with the other. It's important to think about whatever you normally think about when you pour olive oil at this point, or the recipe just doesn't seem the same. Next, snap your fingers, shake your hips and twirl around in a tight circle, stopping right at your cutting board, and start dicing potatoes, and flip 'em into the pan, covering the bottom. Next, take a sip of your beverage, and grab a bunch of carrots and cut them into 3 inch chunks, and throw them into the pan, (most of these ingredients should be in your bucket garden, except for the potatoes- you must steal them) Clean up your radishes and throw them into the pan too. Take a spatula and stir/flip the veggies to coat them. At this point you take a sip of your beverage, admire your work, and say "damn, that looks good". But wait, it's not over yet, you must take another sip of your beverage and take a deep breath and focus. The next step is very important. You must go back out to your bucket garden and harvest just the right amount of basil and oregano to add to the pan. Mix it in and add a little freshly ground pepper and bake in the oven at 350 degrees F until you think it's done, sipping and stirring occasionally. It's really good.
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