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Old 01-01-2004, 10:57 AM   #1
Linda in MI.
Posts: n/a
Hello Ladies,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I wish everyone much joy, peace, happiness, and most importantly the healthiest year ever!!

I have some mixed news. I posted before Christmas that I was having shortness of breath. I was put on an antibiotic and within a few hours started feeling much better. However, on Tues. Dec. 30 I went in for my THC treatment. The day before I had a chest x-ray. My onc. told me it did not show any spots of cancer but that I had a tiny amount of fluid in my lungs. She wanted to make sure it was not related to my heart so my treatment was held. I saw a cardiologist yesterday and had an echocardiogram the same day that came back normal--no fluid, heart pumping great, high 50's ejection fraction. So, that's good news.

They are thinking (and I am too) that the fluid is related to treatment (taxotere and steroids). I noticed my breathing was worse after my steroids MOnday night--then I ended up not even getting treatment!! I had to be put on a higher dose of decadron (20 mg.) in mid November after I had an allergic reaction to the carboplatin. So, I get 10 mg. 12 hours before chemo and another 10 mg. 6 hours before, in additon to 10 mg. before the carbo the day of chemo. I really feel a huge difference with the steroids in terms of fluid retention, especially in my chest. I also have swelling in my right foot and leg. I just had markers in mid-Nov. which are inching towards being normal so I feel confident that the lung mets is not growing.

I feel I'm in tune with my body and I notice that the one week out of the month that I just have herceptin, I feel much better.

Today, I walked on my treadmill for 25 minutes, then a 2nd time for 15 minutes and I couldn't believe how much better I felt--no swelling in my foot and my breathing was so much better. I'm going to try to do this every day to get this fluid moving and out of my body!! I'm also juicing more too--cucumber, watermelon, lemon, and of course some carrot juice too.

I guess I just need some encouragement from my angels that everything is going to be alright. I'm confident but you all know how that goes....there's sometimes that little bit of uncertainty in the back of your mind.

Thanks and I wish all of you nothing but the best for the new year!!

Blessings and Hugs,

Linda in MI.
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