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Old 10-15-2013, 12:46 PM   #8
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 474
Re: lingering side effects after finishing herceptin

As far as foot cramps its possible Quinine at bedtime might be valuable. At one time you could buy Quinine 325mg over the counter. You can't anymore. There is a prescription Quinine but now its very expensive and, as the indications are for malaria, I doubt insurance will cover it. When I had my own pharmacy I used to sell Quinine Sulfate 325mg for a few dollars a hundred
The muscle cramps Quinine was very effective for were the night and morning leg cramps seen after middle age.
The herceptin foot cramps may be very different but the
relaxing effect on quinine is general. Quinine, rarely, has caused blood dyscrasias (I think thrombocytopenia) and this is why it was removed from the OTC list. It was an over the counter drug for decades.

Maybe it would be worth it to have the doctor write out a prescription for a few tablets of Quinine and just buy them. See if Quinine is effective. If a full tablet is effective, try a half a tablet or even 1/4 tablet. Ive heard rumours that even the amount of Quinine in tonic water has helped the ordinary leg craps. It may be rumour. Quinine is the bitterest substance known and the bitter taste can be detected in dilutions as low as 1:100,000 if my memory is correct.

I hope this proves to be of some help

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