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Old 10-16-2011, 11:47 AM   #13
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Re: Lifetime's movie Five by Demi Moore

I'm really enjoying and appreciating hearing everyone's views on this movie, as we all come to it at different points in our treatment, diagnosis & survival.
Thanks for allowing me to be so honest with my opinions - and I don't at all presume to speak for all Stage IV'ers, just this one. And I don't at all take for granted the goodness that comes from "October Pink Ribbon Month" -this disease has touched so many, too many people - and however each chooses to acknowledge, even celebrate the journey is a personal one.
In the first year of my treatment, already Stage IV, I did the Komen walk without anything on my head, except for a few errant patches of hair and a pink jeweled crown. But even then I remember feeling surprised that I didn't see more women like me. Anyway, I've grown much more subdued now that 9 years have passed!

I might attribute my edginess right now to pending scans, in T minus 48 hrs...This will be my first scans since switching to Halaven 9 weeks (3 cycles) ago. It's probably a good weekend to be sequestered home with severe neutropenia & anemia, bc I can feel the anxiety creeping in & this is classically my least "graceful" time.

From what I've read, the film really highlights the relationships of those around "us". That, I definitely understand - my sister is taking the red-eye in, landing @6:30am so that she can be with me for my scans @7:30am. I could not do this without my family and friends who've loved me through every minute, even when I'm at my "least graceful".
And that includes you guys, here.

Keep the Faith~

Dx -5/17/02 - 33years old; Stage IV
L IDC w/single liver met
Herceptin + Navelbine x 8 weeks - No response; progress to innumerable,immeasureable liver mets
ISIS 2504 + Herceptin - 6 mos, partial response
Taxol + Herceptin x 13 weeks to NED!
NED for 1 year
9/04 - Single liver lesion recurrence
Taxol + Herceptin - on/off to beat back lesion
12/05 - R Hepatectomy; Liver NED until 2009
3/06- Local recurrence - Left breast, IDC & DCIS, but holding treatment while continue to heal from Hepatectomy.
12/06 - L mastectomy + reconstruction through 8/07
10/07 - Recurrence - supraclav nodes
Gemzar + Herceptin - on/off controlling nodes thru
9/08 - 7wks rads to supraclav nodes
10/08 - Acute Renal Failure - nodes in belly stricturing kidneys. placed permanent ureteral stents
Back on Gemzar + Herceptin, but no longer responding.
05/09 - Tykerb + Xeloda - partial response x 5 mos
10/09 - Xeloda + Herceptin - no response, disease progresses
2/10- Ixempra + Herceptin - partial response x 12 wks.
Discovered single 4 mm brain lesion & liver lesions growing while screening for TDM1 + PI3Kinase study.
6/10 - Novalis to treat brain met - SUCCESSFUL!
6/10 - Chemo-embo w/Adriamyacin to de-bulk liver lesion.
8/10 - Screened & Started TDM1 EAP
Immediate response, disease in belly responds dramatically.
2/11- questionable progression of lung nodules
Discontinue TDM1
3/11 - PI3Kinase + Herceptin - intial good response in 1st 6 weeks but LFT's elevated.
7/11-Discontinue PI3Kinase + Herceptin study due to elevated LFT's
Discover progression of 2 small lesions in colon.
8/11 - started Halaven + Hercceptin
10/14/2011 -Completed 3 cycles (9 wks)Halaven+Herceptin
*10/18/2011 - Scanxiety time -1st scans since starting this regimen
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