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Old 08-09-2006, 10:12 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 153
My huband is a classically trained chef and has an extenxive wine cellar. My father was an alcoholic and after my parents divorce it just was not in the house. My mother was a tea totler (sp?) her whole life. Guess what she still got it. I have never been a drinker per se but since my husband I have had a glass now and then maybe twice a month at the most. I think the link between alcohol and BC is reserved for those who drink a lot and this does not apply to me or my mother. Clearly I got it anyway and so did she regardless of our drinking habits. My point....enjoy life in moderation. I don't think it makes a difference. Everything is harmful if overdone. RB's posts on fats show us that. So if a glass of wine is what you enjoy now and then...go for it. I am not letting him have that closet to himself! Legally it's half mine.

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