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Old 07-20-2006, 04:21 PM   #3
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Location: indianapolis, indiana
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You have really hit the nail on the head with the way I feel. I just thought it was me. I finished chemo 6/05 and herceptin 6/06. And these problems got worse. To answer your questions: yes, i have a hard time naming things- both in writing and talking to people. I cannot think of what order words go in sentences or even what words I was saying. I feel like an idiot sometimes. I couldn't even think of what an airplane was one day. Numbers are worse than words. I have someone double check all of my work with numbers. As far as understanding what I'm reading- it depends on what I'm reading. I think i concentrate okay, i've always been fidgity so not sure if it's worse. And motivation- what is that? I thought it was depression and the doc has me on zoloft. And the insomnia got so bad I take ambien every night. Even then I can't sleep some nights. It feels like my body just won't shut down until i collapse from exhaustion. I haven't noticed any changes yet, but I've got my fingers crossed I see some soon. To answer R.B. I only take one omega-3 every day instead of the three times the bottle says. And I eat kashi crackers and cereal with flax seed in it but don't take any of those supplements.
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