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Old 07-03-2006, 01:47 PM   #11
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They do have omega three just not in the same proportions, and a trial raised questions as to levels of certain chemicals etc. But if you cant get wild fish or too expensive probably better than no fish.

VEGETABLE SEED OILS AND NUT OILS(with very limited exception)

***************THEY ARE HIGH IN OMEGA SIX*****************

in 218 grams of oil GRAPESEED

Total omega-3 fats (est) 218 mg
Total omega-6 fats (est) 151,700 mg

IN 218 grams SESAME

Total omega-3 fats (est) 654 mg
Total omega-6 fats (est) 90040 mg

IN 216 grams OLIVE ( this will be a virgin oil in cheap olis as much as 50% is omega six)

Total omega-3 fats (est) 1644 mg
Total omega-6 fats (est) 21090 mg


NOT A LOT OF MOST VEGETABLE AND SEED OILS IS A LOT OF OMEGA SIX.- and it is everywhere in process foods, olives in oil (sunflower etc)

You need to check on fish to as you may be surprised how the amounts of omega three differ.

MY GUESS is that you would need fish oil to balance your omega threes.

MY SUGGESTION if omega three six is now on your radar is spend a week actually checking how much omega six and three you are getting - no need to be too fussy but in broad terms, and then consider the dietary iimplications.

Sorry to shout but I have been down this path of diet discovery too - a year a ago being pleased with my self for consuming lots of high polyunsaturated veg oils, cutting down, and then realising with a shock when I checked how far out my three six balance was.

Two Brazil nuts balance a teaspoon of fish oil in very approximate terms.

Essentially in balancing the threes and sixes vegetable oils are very high on the NO list - with the exception of flax (no good for cooking) and olive virgin (and virgin olive still has about 10% omega six).

I hope this helps.


Last edited by R.B.; 10-24-2008 at 02:50 PM..
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