Thread: Bad Day
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Old 06-28-2006, 07:25 PM   #11
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Coatbridge, Scotland
Posts: 73
Mary, I am so sorry.
Like you, I was just getting to know a girl who was getting treatment. Hers was finishing as mine was starting but the wierd thing was we knew each other thru other people. Her name was Mary McAully and I met her @ ward 4c Gartnavel Hosp. She was the most uplifting person I had ever met. 4 months after finishing her treatment, she was gone and I can't explain to anyone, the effect her death had on me. At her funeral, I just cried and cried. Maybe she was the first person I had known, to die with Cancer while I was being treated for the same,I don't know. All I do know, is I met someone who had a profound affect on me.
Now, a few years on, I feel honoured to have met her, albeit for such a short time. They say that there is a reason for everything, I think that, if I had'nt had Cancer, then I would never have met this extrordinary person. So..!!!!!!
Like you, I lit a candle and talk to her. I also hope she can hear me.
Don't give up on the vaccine trial. You owe it to yourself and Katie to go on, or meeting her will have been in vain !!!!
I will light a candle for you and hope everything turns out well .

God Bless You
Geraldine x
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