Thread: Bad Day
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:10 PM   #4
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Posts: 290
Dear Mary,

I am sorry that you lost your friend. Try to remember that the nature of that friendship made it especially hard for you, as it touched you in a personal way, and reminded you of your own mortality.

When Al's Linda from this board passed away, I was shell shocked, and hurt in a very unusual way that I wasn't prepared for. Linda's passing reminded me that all of us exchange thoughts and ideas each day with people on this board, and sometimes lose track of the fact that every one of them is at risk of dying from B/C.

The reality of what you are all dealing with is sobering. I personally hope that you will continue to fight to get the best treatment available to you, and help all of us in a way that cannot be described. As well as helping us determine how well the vaccine works for you, you give us all hope, and hope is a powerful drug.

So I wish you all the best, and hope that you can put your grief to good use. I also wish you luck with your knitting support group. Now THAT Mary, is my idea of a real stressor. I watched my aunt knit since I was a child, and it always gave me a headache. I don't know how you do it, or understand it, but God Bless you for having the patience. Take care and keep fighting.

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