Thread: Prayer for cure
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Old 06-14-2006, 08:28 PM   #5
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Sammy, I have prayed for a cure for as long as I can remember, back to when I was a child and my Dad was battling his first of three different cancers that he would have to deal with over his lifetime. I always knew in my heart that it would be cancer that took him from me, and it did.

But I must say that I believe that the developments of the many new treatment options are in fact, the results of the prayers of many over the years. I will continue to pray regularly for the answers to the problem. I suspect that many a scientist does a bit of praying themselves. Some of these people devote their entire lifespan to the search for an end to cancer. I happen to be of the belief that they are much closer than many of us realize. It may be a two edged sword though, for the families of those lost to cancer. I remember how I felt when a drug that was in clinical trials at the time of my Dad's illness, went on to be found effective and received FDA approval shortly after he died. I felt as if we were both running for a train, and missed it at the last minute as it pulled away from the station.

Anyway, keep the faith, and pray as long and hard as you can. He will take us to the Promisewd Land when he is good and ready. Take care.

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