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Old 06-12-2006, 06:59 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 306

oh Sherry......

The pain and suffering you've been going through; like a horrible nightmare that won't stop... without THIS next added blow.

When I am feeling low ( I am a queen of vanity! ) I try to remember: "I guess things COULD be worse." And so far it's been true. It is a little thing that helps me get over/through those very rough spots. Until the next one comes along.

IF your observations on your appearance are reliable, I do believe we could be sisters, but for the upcoming added accessory... You took the words right out of my mouth when describing yourself.

Two yrs ago, when I had my abdominal total hysterectomy for cervical cancer (adenocarcinoma, not the more common kind), I was sent home with a bladder catheter and 'bags'. One large for overnight, plus the day time 'walk about' bag.... After that, I know I could do it if I had to.

My worse case scenario is: I would be DEPENDANT on someone else to do those types of body function things FOR me..... With brain mets, that is in my mind for possible reality down the road.

I know Sherry. I was a young looking 'hottie' of 50 at bc dx, 6plus yrs ago. The downhill slide began then. But after mets dx, also four yrs ago for me, well. I turned into my mother at age 73. Not a 'good' thing.

I hate like hell you must face this latest insult after having so many other hurdles in your path. I hope with time you will find a way around/through your feelings of devastation.

with love,
pattyz xoxox
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