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Old 06-05-2006, 08:19 PM   #11
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 65

I am so sorry for all that you have gone through. I understand how difficult it is to think that there may be treatment options available for you, but that the government is denying your right to access them. When you first sent your message, I didn't know how personal this was to you.

The most important thing, however, is that you not give up. Not yet. It sounds to me like you have already denied many odds, and there are many more battles that you will win.

I agree that you should contact any and all members of the local, state and federal legislatures that you can. Sometimes with lobbying you can get faster results than with working your way through the courts. Are there specific treatments available out there that may help you that you don't have access to? Are they available in other countries? Could you go to Canada or anywhere in Europe for treatments? Are there specific drug companies we could call to discuss availability in other countries?

What about starting a specific post and asking the women on this web site to all write letters to send to your congressmen? I bet they would be willing to help. I will post the thread if it is all right with you.

What about attempting to get your local news stations on the story? You never know, that might work. It sounds to me like a little publicity really could go a long way in helping you.

Let me know what I can do to help. I am thinking of you and praying for you.
Caregiver to mother, Diane
Diagnosed 3/2006 Stage IIB (T2, N2, M0), Her-2+++, Er/PR-, Grade 3
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