Thread: Longevity
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Old 06-05-2006, 11:33 AM   #4
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I had my ER/PR double checked. The 1st result was that I was 5% ER pos. I was told that 5% is better than zero and even with that small percentage their was a minimal benefit to take Tamoxifen. The 2nd time they tested the tumors, it came back 15% ER pos. Now I am on Tamoxifen and although barely positive, I am on Tamoxifen.
I too am Stage I, neg nodes.
I just wanted to say that just because you are ER/PR negative does not necessarily make your prognosis worse than positive women. Everyone is different and we all react differently to the drugs. At first I was also very confused and scared. All of us are. But you will see that a bit of time will help you get over the emotional hurdle that now seems impossible to jump.

I do question however, with your tumor status, were you given the option for dose dense chemo? Any Taxane after the A/C ???
It just seems to me that being HER2+ should be enough reason to treat the cancer more aggressively. Of course, I don't know your personal health issues (or if there are any), but it does not hurt to ask your onc more questions...
Dose dense is every 2 weeks (instead of every 3). It supposedly disallows the cancer to recuperate between treatments.
I had 4 rounds of A/C and then four of Taxol. All were 2 weeks apart and then radiation. I am on Herceptin now. AND- yesterday I began my period after being in chemopause since 12/04.

I just hope you can come to a comfortable decision for yourself. And please, don't throw yourself into reading the prognosis factors. All those numbers are based from averages - and you are unique!

My best to you-
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