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Old 05-28-2006, 08:09 PM   #18
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 65
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sue. They bring tears to my eyes. I would do just about anything to get my mom through this difficult time.

Like you said, though there are people that we expected would be there for us who aren't, there have been many who have come out of the woodwork to be of support. For example, a woman my mom knew only over the phone through work who also had breast cancer has become an additional member of my family. She came to my mom's surgery, has bought meals for us, comes to my mom's chemo treatments, and sends her cards regularly. My new neighbors cooked for us last night! And, my wonderful boyfriend acts as though his own mom is going through this--he cooks for us, cleans for us, is happy when we get good news and cries with us when we cry.

Unfortunately, when people genuinely hurt her feelings, it seems to overshadow all of the good things people do for us. Thanks for pointing that out!
Caregiver to mother, Diane
Diagnosed 3/2006 Stage IIB (T2, N2, M0), Her-2+++, Er/PR-, Grade 3
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