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Old 05-20-2006, 05:21 PM   #9
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On both of my pet scans my liver has shown two small spots that haven't lit up on either scan, My doc says they are most like nothing (can't remember the name they call them hyperlesions or something of the sort). I also have 2 small lung spots that didn't light up with the last Pet I had, he said that it is very commom for people to have nodules like that in their lungs that are not cancerous...due to polution or other irritants, etc... When I was first diagnosed, I did have 2 small lung nodules that did light up as Cancer, they are now gone with chemo and I am NED. As far as the headaches, I've had exactly the same thing you have had and they have lasted for weeks, my head feels like it is going to burst sometimes and the pressure is awful.... so far it has been my sinuses.. Oh yes, the nasal spray worked wonders on me . I've had 2 brain scans that came back clear. It is so hard not to think that every ache and pain and illness is cancer related. Your doctor is just doing his job ordering a brain MRI, you will rest easier once is comes back clean...sherryg683
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