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Old 05-19-2006, 10:02 PM   #1
al from Canada
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suppliments again

as a result of suppliment questions I will post this again. It is getting old so (Lani), we may have to update our facts

To all the crusaders out there:

It is very tough coming up with a supplement regime that will be truly complimentary however, here is a list of suppliments that we have found useful:

Rhodiola is one herb that I feel needs further investigation. Linda and I both take it 2Xday. It has proven adaptogen properties as well as (chemo-support and anti-cancer actions). It doesn't have all the negative side efects that Ginseng does, such as high blood pressure, nervousness etc. That being said, the siberian species of the herb is the most potent. We buy ours at

Rhodiola Rosea: anti-tumor, energy, physical support. For a great article on Rhoiola:

IP6: Including indosol, has a proven anti-cancer track record, particularily for liver mets

CO-Q10: excellent for the heart, good synergy with herceptin for cardio functions. Studies have shown anti-tumor properties above 345 mg.

Vitamin D: help uptake of calcium for bones (due to damage caused by chemo)

Gluta Kola: has anti-tumor properties

Melatonin: help sleep, reset biolical clock, anti-tumor actions

Curcumin: synergistic with herceptin, anti-tumor properties, careful using this during chemo as it is a stong anti-oxident

Flaxseed oil: this one contains 145 mg. oleoic acid, very potent anti-tumor and pro-herceptin through HER2 pathway

Celebrex: 100 mg 2X day, COX inhibitor

Please note that current thought suggests limiting any anti-oxident supplimentation DURING chemo. These would include Curcumin, CO-Q10, Flaxseed oils etc. There are also phyto-estrogenic compounds such as reservatol, flaxseed oils, borage, etc you must balance if you are est ++
One of the best Est+ fighters is 13C and DIM (the metabolite). Studies have shown that co-administration of tamoxifen and 13C is VERY synergistic! Caution about 13C, if you live in a region high in dioxins, best not to take it as it helps receptor binding of dioxin.
Primary care-giver to and advocate for Linda, who passed away April 27, 2006.
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