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Old 05-18-2006, 11:55 AM   #1
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I have been wondering--are neck nodes regional recurrence or distant metastasis?

Obviously others wonder that as well--here is what I found out:

ABSTRACT: The status of neck node metastases in breast cancer: loco-regional or distant? [The Breast]
Metastases to cervical lymph nodes do not exclusively derive from malignancies of the head and neck area. In the literature the region where distant metastases of breast carcinomas to the neck occur is exclusively named "supraclavicular". The system established by head and neck surgeons regarding neck node topography allows interdisciplinary management of patients with cervical lymph node metastases from breast cancer. Twelve patients suffering from breast cancer who presented with cervical masses have been examined. Most lymph node metastases were found in the posterior triangle of the neck and at the caudo-jugular level, but some metastases were even found in the upper jugular levels. The results presented show that neck node metastases of breast cancer are located superiorly to the supraclavicular region in more than 50% of the cases. According to the AJCC Staging System for Breast Cancer metastases located in the supraclavicular fossa are assessed as loco-regional metastases (N3c). Lymph node metastases situated above the supraclavicular region are not mentioned, but should be considered as distant metastases. This important question remains unanswered and deserves clarification in the current classification of the AJCC Staging System for Breast Cancer.

If her2 group should be reserved for people describing their scan results, asking about their pathology and scan results, asking about different treatments and consoling and supporting each other, let me know. her2group is such a nebulous title. There are always articles of interest, but some of them are regarding such KEY issues as the three I listed today that I would hate the fact that far fewer read the articles section would keep the information from the greater group. Let me know...
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