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Old 05-13-2006, 11:37 PM   #3
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I have been on herceptin for four months now. I have one full cycle of chemo follow by weekly herceptin. I was always having sinus problems. Running nose, congested head. I would blow my nose and it was always bloodly. Very dried out inside and crusty...which was painful.

But since i changed oncologists which never gave me anything for my low wbc, rbc count...and hemagolbin...I always HAD those problems. But since the first oncologist landed me in the hospital with low counts...I know now to ask for things.

This new oncologist is keeping my wbc, rbc UP...and my hemagolbin. (sp) I also had one Iron IV infusion when it was low. Since then...I have had NO more problems with the sinuses.

Maybe its just a freak thing...but it sure seems funny every time my counts were low with the first doctor...I always had lots of sinus problems. Now my counts have stayed good and the nose and sinus is fine.

Its some thing to think about. Are all of your counts good when you have the sinus problem with the herceptin? If so...just TOSS my theory out the window. lol

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