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Old 05-11-2006, 11:44 AM   #3
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I'm Stage l; I will have had a year of Herceptin in August. Part of me wants to stay on it, and a part says get off of it... I have felt that Herceptin has been a security blanket for me. Is it working for me? I don't know. But the chances of it working are better than no chance at all. Are heart problems going to be an issue later in life? Probably not -since I have regular MUGA's and we all know the heart will "heal" once off the drug.
Will the itchiness and rashes persist? Probably so, but thats what long sleeves and Benadryl are for.
So, the part of me that says ENOUGH! is still losing over the part that says STAY ON.
Heck, the simple fact that I am HER2 positive is reason enough. I keep a very watchful eye on Herceptin developments and pay attention to the comments made on this website. Its the best I can do. I am 43 with a 5 and 8 yr old... they are the biggest reason I stay on it.

Interestingly, this message board kind of goes in waves of opinion... a few months ago almost everyone on Herceptin was "gung-ho" about staying on it (in early stage)- I think lately, the numerous threads describing side effects have been the undertones of doing without Herceptin.
Like everything else with cancer- the decision is yours. All you can do is be as informed as you can and live with your decision.
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