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Old 05-11-2006, 09:55 AM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Could you ask the boffins at ASCO

1. Does herceptin impact on FAS (A trial I have seen suggests it does)

2. How does it impact on FAS

3. Does the impact of Herceptin on FAS include blocking synthesis of long chain fats (particularly in the EFA pathways omega three and six).

4. Does this include all long chain fats or just selected pathways EG. to AA Arachnidonic acid or DHA as well.

5. If Herceptin resticts long chain synthesis including DHA could it render the brain more suspeptable to metasitc spread of BC AND OR the other conditions related to DHA shortages (See SMART FATS by A SCHMIDT), particularly given the common low levels of intake of foods rich in DHA evident in western diet?

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