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Old 05-09-2006, 01:17 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Clutier, Iowa
Posts: 61
Smile Foggy on a clear day

Rhonda and Taffy,

You guys are not alone in the fog! I've been feeling foggy since chemo started in Nov. now I'm just starting Herceptin every 3 weeks. Had my first infusion april 28th. The fog has not lifted, my retention spand is extremely short. I used to enjoy reading novels, and stuff, I'm now limited to short magazine articles and a quick run through the newspaper because I can't keep the attention span. Now I fully understand how children with Attention Deficit feel (and that's my job at school, sp. ed. associate, what a hoot!) not sure who is going to help who next school year if this fog doesn't lift. I lose things constantly. Have it in my hand one minute, gone the next and then can't find it. Here's a chuckle for you, the other day, my daugher and I went out for ice cream blizzards, she was driving so I went in to go order them. Came out with the ice cream, 2 spoons and napkins. Got settled into the car, lost my spoon somewhere between ice cream stand and when I sat down. Couldn't find it anywhere, not on the ground and not in the car, just "poof" gone. Just like the rest of my foggy stuff. Had to go back in and retrieve a new spoon. Of course, this is just comic relief for my daughter and family when I do this stuff. They don't realize how exasperating it is on us "Chemo/Foggy brained" zombies.

I also seem to have difficulty with focusing in on getting stuff done. If I'm lucky, I can get two things accomplished that I have on my list of things to do.

To think of being in this fog for a year with Herceptin and not knowing if it's going to lift after I'm off, sometimes just seems a bit much. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have it to keep us going, but some of the side affects just really get to you.

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