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Old 05-01-2006, 03:27 AM   #40
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Jean re your questions;

Try the search facility above right using omega three flax etc as a search term.

Synergy is possibly a good word, as wide a ranging diet as possible of whole foods, greens highly, coloured fruits and veg, and some beans for fibre seem common themes in many books - it not just about fats.

Every thing has fat in it bacteria and broccoli included, and a mix of fats which vary with substance.

Those that write on the subject suggest the intake problem started with refining seeds and nuts to extract oils, suddenly introducing these powerful substances into our diet at levels never seen before.

Re your diet what you dont say is what else you eat, margerine, vegetable oils, processed food etc.

Quality olive oil cold pressed virgin is reported to be about 10% omega six, and refined olive oil up to 50% omega six. Even 10% of a lot is a lot when compared to say the omega threes in a teaspoon of fish oil.

Flax seed and oil are high in omega three about 50% omega three and 15% omega six.

BUT Corn, sunflower, safflower, soy etc etc are all above 60% omega six.

So as usual there are no easy answers. You have for a while till you get to know have to look at everything you eat in terms of processed foods, and read the labels.

There is a link already posted where you can check out the fat breakdown of foods. The report of the man with lung cancer which you will find under the search "Very thought provoking" emphasises how much six is intaken when even moderate amouts of seed oils canola etc are ingested.

Sadly farmed fish and livestock like us have a fat content which reflects what they have eaten, so they are having to feed farmed fish fish to try and up their omega threes! Grain fed ruminants also suffer from changed ratios of omega three and six. So maybe small wild type fish are best as wild salmon is so expensive and many fish are now farmed, mackeral sprats sardines etc.

I am sorry there are no easy answers, it is a case of check everything until you get to have a better idea of what fats you are taking in.

I am not an "expert". I have just read quite a lot. Magor dietary changes should be dicussed with your advisors.

I find the Ben Best article a useful reference point as covering a bit of everything, including a break down of some fats. The link is under "the importance of omega three and six" in the articles of interest section.

General agreement amongst those that write on the subject is the importance factor is to balance, rather than quantity, having said which withn sensible parameters less is probably better, but this is experimental territory and the trials have not been done, more is the shame, so I'm afraid its down to you!

I hope this helps

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