Thread: linda update
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Old 04-28-2006, 07:21 AM   #16
Vi Schorpp
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: OH
Posts: 385
So very sorry, Al

Al, I'm so sorry for your loss. There is nothing else you or your family could have done for Linda. What you did was extraordinary and touching. While there's peace in the promise of everlasting life, it's not much comfort as you're going through this.

My husband died earlier this month on April 9th. We had hospice and family at home and it was a beautiful experience. I described it as gut wrenching and beautiful, but it was life defining, both for me and my daugher and son. Helping someone get through their final journey is a gift -- both to them and to ourselves. We look back with many emotions -- but among these emotions are pride in our ability to help comfort them, and gratitude for the life we shared with them. I look back with no regrets and I'm sure you do too.

My husband and I would have celebrated 32 years of marriage in May. We have two children and two grandchildren. Our 7 year old grandson decided that he could help Pappa by playing guitar for him, so he picked up the guitar and played 3 songs for him. Mind you, he has not had a lick of instruction, so you can imagine the sounds! When I went into the kitchen where the family was I said that maybe Pappa thought he was in heaven with that guitar playing. My sister said, "or, maybe Hell." It was funny, but again, our grandson felt he too could help in the process. I will never forget it.

I pray that you will find comfort in the prayers and messages from everyone on the board.
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