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Old 04-22-2006, 12:44 PM   #10
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I had my ovaries (and tubes) removed laproscopically. It was a breeze. Remember to ask about the tubes. I think all competant gynos remove them too because (ironically) they are made from the same kind of cells as the ovaries and are susceptible to the same kind of cancer (ovarian).

I was sore a couple of days - like I did way too many sit ups. I only took 1 week off from work (I have a desk job but do alot of business travel which my doc said no to for 3 weeks - no big deal there). But.... I also had a D&C with the oophorectomy and he cleaned up scar tissue from a previous Csection (he said he needed to do it because he couldn't get to the ovaries because of this build up). I have 2 friends from my local support group who got the ovaries removed to (and only the ovary/tube thing - nothing else) and one of them went out to dinner with her family that night. The other was fine in the morning (not as much soreness as me but I had more done). So, I think by itself, its almost nothing and I thought it was almost nothing anyway.

Warm regards

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