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Old 04-21-2006, 02:22 PM   #6
Carol H
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: County Cavan, Republic of Ireland
Posts: 19
I had my ovaries removed 3 yrs ago after my breast cancer had returned and spread to my bones but I am HERpos2 and ER- and was 34 yrs old but was advised by 2 different docs that it would be best to remove them even though it also was not gentic but I was so young and had young kids that I should remove anything hormonal in my body as the cancer was raging - the downside is I am in the menopause now but its not too horrendous - the hot flushes come and go each week and I have gained weight and have no libido(which does cause some problems in my marriage) but would advise asking lots of questions as I didn't and sometimes think did I really need them removed as I do not have hormone related breast cancer but my consultant was convinced it was the best thing to do and he is one of the best breast cancer consultants in Great Britain - its mixed feelings really - just ask all the right questions and do whats right for you in the end.
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