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Old 04-19-2006, 03:01 PM   #44
A Living Legend
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 235
Well what a shocker onc appointment I had, I female called out Lyn, I said that would be me, then she intorduce her self as, whatever I wasssn't listening to her name, it was "Pallitave Doctor", Cat on a hot tin roof for me, words I never want to hear, So when I could shut my mouth, I said so what is happening, the doc I was supposed to see was somewhere else, my own on holidays, I said what do you mean nothing, well there isn' a solution, the chemo is of no use to my spine, like I didn't already know that, I said what about radiation, she said that might be dangerousl Deeer, what option, either my LOOTO balls drop or they don'tn HER 3+ are an unknown quantity, the things I get are just about always rare, then she started to tell me what damage the radiation had already done, well we got into an argument about that, do you think she would listen, I even had to say will you let me finish, I had to try and get her to understand that this had been coming on since 2003 when I had my neck X-Rayed had that was when they said there was nothing except my Thyroid was enlarged the the whole heart saga, and that they couldn't biopsy the skin because it was to tough, then I asked if she could write out prescriptions, so I got some of the drugs I needed, then I asked her if she knew what cancer looked like, that hit a nerve and she told she had been an oncologist for 30 years, and then she wanted to look at my MRI, well I only had the second last one, so she took it out of the packet and held it up to the light and put it back in the packet, very impressive, bottom line I am seeing 2 oncs at 10 today and the MRI on disc is supposed to be ther when I get there, I have to go now but I will fill you all in as soon as I know. haven' got tmie to correct my spelling.

LOv & Hugs Lyn
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