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Old 04-17-2006, 01:58 PM   #2
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Wow! I was under the impression that if one was ER+ and pre-menopausal THEN it would be prudent to remove the ovaries... I also tested neg for BRCA and the opinion I received was that if my cancer is not "fed" by hormones, then it does not matter to get them removed.
I know of two women that have had breast cancer and then ovarian cancer and both are ER+
Thats not to say that ER- don't have a chance of developing Ovarian Cancer. In the end, all opinions will lead YOU to make the final decision.
If you are asking the question here, then you are still not comfortable with their removal- I would seek another opinion and clarify the pros and cons. All the surgeries we endure are to lessen the risk of the cancer coming back. Yet, there are no guarantees. My mother died of parotid cancer, but I am not removing mine!
I went back and forth with removing my ovaries and decided that the chance of the cancer recurring there was so minimal I decided to leave them alone. Do whatever gives YOU peace of mind.

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