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Old 04-13-2006, 03:35 AM   #1
A Living Legend
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 235
Cool Worst News Ever!!!!

Well gang, it looks like my days are numbered, I have spent the last week in hospital to find out today that my neck tumour has infiltrated my spinal chord and is burrowing into it and I could be a quadruplegic at any time, how do you like that for a statement, and that was how I was told, for every one else in the ward to hear as well, and they took it as badly as I did, she was like a puffed up chook when I said well, you won’t be doing any surgery and she no, then I said well I am going home, she spluttered at that and started going on about their oncologist and radiation oncologist, and I said thanks but I already have my own. Weird while I was waiting to be picked up this gentleman came and introduced himself to me as being with her when she told me and as it turns out he has apparently heard of me and had read my notes that Boris had, and he is head of the radiation oncology at that large Brisbane hospital and has offered his services to help in any way he can and he will be at my hospital on Wednesday to speak with Boris,, I have to wait for the CD of my MRI to come in the mail so I can give them a look. The surgeons rang Boris and I am seeing him on Tuesday, and this new gentleman seemed a bit surprised that I would be seeing him so soon, and that I knew the other Radiation oncologist at the large private hospital, hey I have been around a long time and Boris was only 32 when he first started treating me, so I have been teaching him, so I need to stick around, but fully in tact, but as he says I am dammed if I don’t have radiation, I know this and said I know, so hopefully, fingers crossed this area hasn’t already been done, I know I have had about 100 doses already but I know from my laser hair cut I haven’t in that area, so all we can do is hope and pray that that the radiation doesn’t severe the spine anyway, so dammed if I do and dammed if I don’t, so it is a wait and see game and as long as I can still use my arms and fingers I will post. I was well composed while she was speaking to me and that seemed to knock her off her perch, not that I am shooting the messenger, but she could have told me sooner as we have a 4 day break now for Easter so time is obviously important, so the lesson here is, don’t under any circumstances be allowed to be talked into letting cancer grow so the chemo can kill it, mine has been growing since I stopped the Eostrogen blocker in September so it has been on the march now for 7 months already, hopefully the Herceptin has been slowing it down, but tumours are growing, the one on my lower spine they weren’t to worried about. So I am off to do some research, I didn’t come this far to let the team down.

Love & Hugs Lyn

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