Thread: Xeloda ?
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Old 04-07-2006, 08:17 PM   #4
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I was on the Xeloda for my treatment and am so glad to get off it. I think its a great drug and works wonders but it was hard on me. My hands and feet right now are terrible. My Oncologist told me today that he has women have to be hospitalized because the skin and meat peeling off their hands and feet. This was in the beginning before they knew they had to mess with the dosage on it. I was taking 3,000mg a day and usually by the second week on it, my hands were all rashed and red. This time (my 5th series of treatment) my hands broke out and my feet were so bad I couldn't hardly walk,it happened right away, . I had to wear slippers into the clinic today,it was that painful. At times, I would reduce the dosage myself to control it but it didn't seem to help this go round. I think my system just had too much of it. I think Lolly said that she takes 1,000mg a day and that it has been beneficial to her. That dosage I think I could tolerate but the hand/foot thing hit me hard at the higher dosage. As far as ECHO, my doctor is doing mine every 4 months...sherryg683
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